
Bedhead be Gone!

Do you feel like you must wash your hair daily?  I always did because no matter what, my morning bedhead could not be tamed.  I have found a hair product that takes away bedhead allowing you to brush your hair and go in the morning! 

About six months ago my hair stylist asked if I washed my hair every day.  I told her I did because my bedhead was not a look I could wear outside of the house.  She asked what kind of shampoo/conditioner I use and I told her anything that has volume on the label.  You see I have very fine hair that does not have any oomph on its own.  She said I needed to make some changes because my hair was very dry and just not healthy.  It was beginning to break.  

I went on the hunt for hair products that would help get my color treated hair back to healthy.  I purchased moisturizing shampoos and conditioners and a product that seemed to keep popping up in every fashion magazine I searched:  Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Night Cap Overnight Perfector.  Dry shampoos never really worked for me despite the rave reviews they receive.  They always seem to make my fine hair feel gritty and it always flops half way through the day leaving my hair looking stringy.  So I figured this Living Proof product was worth a try.  

After washing my hair with my new moisturizing shampoo and conditioner I used my regular styling products then blow dried my hair and was out the door for work.  That evening I noticed my hair still looked pretty good!  I decided it would be a good night to try the night cap.  I used one pump and worked it through my dry hair.  It was immediately awesome!  My hair was all of a sudden revived and full of volume vs being weighted down.  It also had a great smell which is always a plus for me.  I brushed my hair and was off to bed hopeful that I would not have to wash my hair in the morning.  

Seven hours later I got up for work and low and behold I brushed my hair and it looked like I had just blow dried my hair!  I was SO HAPPY! Goodbye bedhead. This product was going to save me so much time in the mornings and was going to help turn my hair to a healthy state!  Hooray! 

My hair is back to being healthy and I continue to use this product once a week.  It is good for about five shampoos but I find that it works best the night you apply.  Sometimes I will put it in my hair when wet, blow dry and again it holds the style overnight.  This is a product that really works.  I could not wait to share with you my love for this product.  If you decide to give it a try let me know in the comments what you think after using it!  


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