Are you dreading a phone call from your college kid that they are sick? Do not worry! There is a great product you can send them now to help with their common cold!
I can remember calling home the morning after my first night in college. Boy was I sick! Fever, headache, congestion…I had a common cold! My Mom was at my dorm room in a little over an hour with everything I needed! I know I was very fortunate to have my family only 60 miles away along with the fact that she could drop everything to come to help me immediately! It was only after that time we realized I would need to keep some items stocked in my dorm room just in case I got sick again. If only I had Cold FAid™ back then!
When the founder of Cold FAid™ reached out to me about their amazing product, I was so excited to share with my Charmers! Not only is this the perfect toolkit for college students but for young adults starting out on their own too. While we all know there is no cure for the common cold, there are medications and steps we can take to help minimize the length and symptoms. Cold FAid™ is here to help!
What is Cold FAid™?
Maybe we can’t cure colds yet but we can be prepared to deal with them! Cold FAid™ comes with a research-based Strategy and four over-the-counter medications. The medications all fit in a zippered, travel bag that has QR codes to give you immediate access to the Strategy and to download the app (from Apple Store or Google Play). It is the perfect size to throw in your college student’s backpack or handbag.

The Cold FAid™ kit partners with their Cold FAid™ app. This app is the key to managing your young adult’s recovery. App Notifications provide pop-up reminders of WHAT medications to take WHEN, while other app features supply information about when and where to seek additional professional care. The app’s Share Data connects your college student and your family/medical provider to a stored list of your daily symptoms and medications, if needed. Your college student is going to rock their cold with the help of the Cold FAid app!
Using Cold FAid™ as soon as the cold symptoms appear should reduce complications with the common cold. Plus it will save them a trip to urgent care or the school clinic. By starting early the goal is they will not only have a shorter illness but less intense too!
Does it help a Man Cold?
Yes! Yes, it does! (Giggle) So while this product is perfect for your young adult who is off at college or just starting off on their own, it also really helped my husband a few weeks ago! The minute he mentioned he had a tickle in his throat I pulled out the Cold FAid™ kit and got him started on it right away! He downloaded the app on his phone, opened the meds and packed them away in the travel kit and got started! In all of our 13 years of marriage this might have been the first time his ‘man cold’ was over in less than seven days! The alerts from the Cold FAid™ app were key! He never forgot when it was time to take what medication. This product made it so easy to stay on track and on top of his symptoms.
How do I get Cold FAid™?
So before the sneezing, aches, pains, and chills kick in send this to your college student now! This way they will have it when they need it. Click here to purchase the Cold FAid™ kit! It will ship for free (within their shipping zone) too! It makes the perfect care package for your young adult!

This is a sponsored post for Cold FAid™. All opinions are my own.